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Improving your WordPress SEO is crucial for getting more traffic to your website. Sadly most WordPress SEO guides are too technical for new users to get started.

改善WordPress SEO对于获得更多网站流量至关重要。 可悲的是,大多数WordPress SEO指南对于新用户来说太技术性了。

If you are serious about increasing your website traffic, then you need to pay attention to the WordPress SEO best practices.

如果您真的想增加网站访问量,那么您需要注意WordPress SEO最佳做法。

In this guide, we will share the top WordPress SEO tips to help you improve your WordPress SEO and get more organic traffic.

在本指南中,我们将分享WordPress SEO的主要技巧,以帮助您改善WordPress SEO并获得更多的自然流量。

You might have heard experts saying that WordPress is SEO friendly. This is actually why a lot of people choose WordPress to start a blog or a website.

您可能听说过专家说WordPress对SEO友好。 这实际上就是为什么很多人选择WordPress 创建网站或网站的原因。

While WordPress makes sure that the code it generates follows the SEO best practices, there is a lot more you need to do if you want to maximize your SEO efforts.


We have a number of actionable steps that you need to take to properly optimize your WordPress SEO.

我们需要采取一些可行的步骤来正确优化WordPress SEO。

To make it easy, we have created a table of contents to help you easily navigate through our ultimate WordPress SEO guide.

为简单起见,我们创建了一个目录,可帮助您轻松浏览最终的WordPress SEO指南。

目录 (Table of Contents)



  • What is SEO?什么是SEO?
  • Why SEO is important为什么SEO很重要

The Basics of WordPress SEO

WordPress SEO的基础

  • Check your site’s visibility settings检查您网站的可见性设置
  • Using SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress在WordPress中使用SEO友好的URL结构
  • WWW vs non-WWW in URLsURL中的WWW与非WWW

The Best WordPress SEO Plugin

最好的WordPress SEO插件

  • Choosing the Best WordPress SEO plugin选择最好的WordPress SEO插件
  • Add XML sitemaps in WordPress在WordPress中添加XML网站地图
  • Add your site to Google Search Console将您的网站添加到Google Search Console
  • Optimizing your blog posts for SEO优化您的SEO网站文章
  • Doing keyword research for your website为您的网站进行关键字研究

WordPress SEO Best Practices

WordPress SEO最佳做法

  • Properly using categories and tags in WordPress在WordPress中正确使用类别和标签
  • Make internal linking a habit养成内部联系的习惯
  • Optimize WordPress comments优化WordPress评论
  • NoFollow external links in WordPressNo关注WordPress中的外部链接
  • Full posts vs summaries (excerpts)完整帖子与摘要(节选)

Speed and Security for WordPress SEO

WordPress SEO的速度和安全性

  • Optimize your site’s speed and performance优化网站的速度和性能
  • Optimizing images in WordPress for SEO在WordPress中为SEO优化图像
  • Security and safety of your WordPress siteWordPress网站的安全性
  • Start using SSL/HTTPS开始使用SSL / HTTPS

Finally, see more SEO tools and resources to take your WordPress SEO even farther.

最后,查看更多SEO工具和资源,以使WordPress SEO进一步发展。

介绍 (Introduction)

We know the idea of optimizing for WordPress SEO can be intimidating for beginners, especially if you’re not a tech geek.

我们知道针对WordPress SEO进行优化的想法可能会使初学者感到恐慌,尤其是如果您不是技术怪胎时。

But don’t worry — it doesn’t have to be complicated. Start here to learn the basics, and then you can start applying them to your own website.

但是不用担心-不必太复杂。 从这里开始学习基础知识,然后就可以将其应用于自己的网站。

什么是SEO? (What is SEO?)

SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a strategy used by website owners to get more traffic by ranking higher in search engines.

SEO是搜索引擎优化的缩写。 这是网站所有者通过在搜索引擎中排名更高而获得更多流量的一种策略。

Search engine optimization isn’t about tricking Google or gaming the system. It’s simply about creating a website that has optimized code and formatting which makes it easy for search engines to find your website.

搜索引擎优化与欺骗Google或对系统进行游戏无关。 仅仅是创建具有优化代码和格式的网站,使搜索引擎可以轻松找到您的网站。

When people search the web for the topics you write about, your search-engine-optimized content will appear higher in the search results, and you’ll get more people clicking through to your website.


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为什么SEO很重要 (Why SEO is important)

Search engines are often the biggest source of traffic for most websites.


Google and other search engines use advanced algorithms to understand and rank pages appropriately in search results. However, those algorithms aren’t perfect — they still need your help to understand what your content is about.

Google和其他搜索引擎使用高级算法来正确理解搜索结果中的页面并对其进行排名。 但是,这些算法并不完美-它们仍需要您的帮助才能了解您的内容。

If your content isn’t optimized, then search engines won’t know how to rank it. When people search for the topics you write about, your website won’t appear in the search results, and you’ll miss out on all that traffic.

如果您的内容没有经过优化,那么搜索引擎将不知道如何对其进行排名。 当人们搜索您撰写的主题时,您的网站将不会出现在搜索结果中,并且您会错过所有流量。

It is really important for all business owners to make their website search engine friendly, so that they can maximize their search traffic.


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WordPress SEO基础 (Basics of WordPress SEO)

SEO can get technical, but it doesn’t have to be. Just learning a few basic SEO tips to optimize your site can give you a noticeable boost in your website traffic.

SEO可以获取技术,但不是必须的。 只要学习一些基本的SEO技巧来优化您的网站,就可以明显提高您的网站流量。

You don’t have to be a tech genius to use the techniques below. If you’re already using WordPress, then you’ve got what it takes!

您不必一定是技术天才即可使用以下技术。 如果您已经在使用WordPress,那么您已经掌握了一切!

Let’s get started optimizing your website.


检查您网站的可见性设置 (Check Your Site’s Visibility Settings)

WordPress comes with a built-in option to hide your website from search engines. The purpose of this option is to give you time to work on your website before it’s ready to go public.

WordPress带有一个内置选项,可从搜索引擎隐藏您的网站。 此选项的目的是让您有时间在网站准备公开之前就可以使用它。

However, sometimes this option can get checked accidentally and it makes your website unavailable to search engines.


If your website is not appearing in search results, then the first thing you need to do is to make sure that this option is unchecked.


Simply log in to the admin area of your WordPress site and visit Settings » Reading page.

只需登录到WordPress网站的管理区域 ,然后访问设置»阅读页面。

You need to scroll down to the ‘Search Engine Visibility’ section and make sure that the box next to ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site’ is unchecked.


Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your changes.


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SEO friendly URLs contain words that clearly explain the content of the page, and they’re easy to read by both humans and search engines.


Some examples of SEO friendly URLs are:



https://www.wpbeginner.com/how-to-install-wordpress/ https://www.wpbeginner.com/common-wordpress-errors-and-how-to-fix-them/

Notice that these URLs are readable and a user can guess what they will see on the page just by looking at the URL text.


So what does a non-SEO friendly URL look like?



https://www.wpbeginner.com/?p=10467 http://example.com/archives/123

Notice that these URLs use numbers unrelated to the content, and a user cannot guess what they will find on the page by looking at the URL.


Using SEO friendly permalink structure improves your chances of getting better positions in search results.


Here is how you can check and update your WordPress site’s permalink structure.


You need to visit the Settings » Permalinks page. Select the post name option and then click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

您需要访问设置»永久链接页面。 选择帖子名称选项,然后单击“保存更改”按钮以存储您的设置。

For more detailed instructions take a look at our guide on what is a SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress.


Note: If your website has been running for more than 6 months, then please don’t change your permalink structure unless you’re using the numbers option. If you’re using Day and Name or Month and Name, continue using that.

注意:如果您的网站已经运行了6个月以上,那么除非您使用数字选项,否则请不要更改永久链接的结构。 如果您使用的是“日期和名称”或“月份和名称”,请继续使用。

By changing your permalink structure on an established site, you will lose all of your social media share count and run the risk of losing your existing SEO ranking.


If you must change your permalink structure, then hire a professional, so they can setup proper redirects. You’ll still lose your social share counts on the pages.

如果必须更改永久链接结构,请雇用专业人员,以便他们可以设置适当的重定向。 您仍然会丢失页面上的社交份额计数。

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万维网与非万维网 (WWW vs non-WWW)

If you are just starting out with your website, then you need to choose whether you want to use www (http://www.example.com) or non-www (http://example.com) in your site’s URL.


Search engines consider these to be two different websites, so this means you need to choose one and stick to it.


You can set your preference by visiting the Settings » General page. Add your preferred URL in both the ‘WordPress Address’ and ‘Site Address’ fields.

您可以通过访问设置»常规页面来设置您的首选项。 在“ WordPress地址”和“站点地址”字段中添加您的首选URL。

Despite what someone else might say, from a SEO standpoint there’s no advantage to using one or another.


For more detailed information on this topic, take a look at our guide on www vs non-www – which is better for WordPress SEO.

有关此主题的更多详细信息,请参阅我们的www与非www指南-WordPress SEO更好 。

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最好的WordPress SEO插件 (The Best WordPress SEO plugin)

One of the best parts about WordPress is that there’s a plugin for everything, and SEO is no exception. There are thousands of WordPress SEO plugins which makes it harder for beginners to choose the best WordPress SEO plugin.

关于WordPress最好的部分之一是所有内容都有一个插件,SEO也不例外。 数以千计的WordPress SEO插件使初学者更难选择最佳的WordPress SEO插件。

Instead of installing separate plugins for individual SEO tasks, we will help you choose the best WordPress SEO plugin that does it all, and it’s 100% free.

无需为单个SEO任务安装单独的插件,我们将帮助您选择能完成所有任务的最佳WordPress SEO插件,而且它是100%免费的。

选择最好的WordPress SEO插件 (Choosing the Best WordPress SEO Plugin)

When it comes to choosing the best WordPress SEO plugin, you will most likely narrow your choices down to the two most popular solutions: Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack.

在选择最佳的WordPress SEO插件时,您很可能会将选择范围缩小到两个最受欢迎的解决方案: Yoast SEO或All in One SEO Pack 。

They are both effective solutions, and we’ve done a pros and cons comparison of Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO Pack.

它们都是有效的解决方案,并且我们对Yoast SEO和All in One SEO Pack进行了优缺点比较。

At WPBeginner, we use Yoast SEO, so in this tutorial we’ll be using Yoast SEO for screenshots and examples.

在WPBeginner,我们使用Yoast SEO,因此在本教程中,我们将使用Yoast SEO截屏和示例。

Regardless, we have a step by step guide on properly setting up each of these plugins:


  • How to install and setup Yoast SEO plugin in WordPress如何在WordPress中安装和设置Yoast SEO插件
  • Users guide for All in One SEO Pack一站式SEO包用户指南

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在WordPress中添加XML Sitemap (Add XML Sitemaps in WordPress)

An XML Sitemap is a specially formatted file that lists every single page on your website. This makes it easy for search engines to find all of your content.

XML Sitemap是一种特殊格式的文件,列出了您网站上的每个页面。 这使搜索引擎可以轻松找到所有内容。

While adding an XML sitemap does not boost your site’s search rankings, it does help search engines find the pages quickly and start ranking them.


If you’re using the Yoast SEO plugin, then it will automatically create an XML sitemap for you. To find your sitemap, just go to this URL (don’t forget to replace example.com with your own domain name):

如果您使用的是Yoast SEO插件,那么它将自动为您创建XML网站地图。 要查找您的站点地图,只需转到以下网址(不要忘记用您自己的域名替换example.com):


We will show you how to submit your XML sitemap to Google in the next step.


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将您的网站添加到Google Search Console (Add Your Site to Google Search Console)

Google Search Console, also known as Webmaster Tools, is a set of tools offered by Google to give website owners a look at how their content is seen by the search engine.

Google Search Console (也称为网站站长工具)是Google提供的一组工具,可让网站所有者了解搜索引擎如何看待他们的内容。

It provides reports and data to help you understand how your pages appear in search results. You also get to see the actual search terms people are using to find your website, how each page appears in the search results, and how often your pages are clicked.

它提供报告和数据,以帮助您了解页面在搜索结果中的显示方式。 您还可以查看人们用来查找您的网站的实际搜索词,每个页面在搜索结果中的显示方式以及您的页面被点击的频率。

All this information helps you understand what’s working on your site and what’s not. You can then plan your content strategy accordingly.

所有这些信息都可以帮助您了解您网站上的哪些内容有效,哪些无效。 然后,您可以相应地计划内容策略。

Google Search Console also alerts you when there is something wrong with your website, like when search crawlers are unable to access it, find duplicate content, or restricted resources.

当您的网站出现问题时,例如搜索爬网程序无法访问它,找到重复的内容或资源受限时,Google Search Console也会提醒您。

We have a step by step guide on how to add your WordPress site to Google Search Console.

我们提供了有关如何将WordPress网站添加到Google Search Console的分步指南。

If you’re using Yoast SEO, then follow step 6 in our Yoast SEO setup guide.

如果您使用的是Yoast SEO,请按照我们的Yoast SEO设置指南中的步骤6进行操作 。

If you’re not using Yoast SEO, then you can watch our video that shows an alternative way:

如果您不使用Yoast SEO,则可以观看我们的视频,该视频显示了另一种方法:


Once you have added your website to Google Search Console, click on the Sitemap from the left menu and then paste the last part of the sitemap URL.

将网站添加到Google Search Console后,请从左侧菜单中单击Sitemap,然后粘贴Sitemap URL的最后一部分。

Click on the submit button to save your changes.


Google Search Console will now check your sitemap and use it to improve your website’s crawling.

Google Search Console现在将检查您的站点地图,并使用它来改善网站的抓取。

Once you have successfully added your sitemap, it will appear as pending. It does take Google some time to crawl your website. After a few hours, you would be able to see some stats about your sitemap. It will show you the number of links it found in your sitemap, how many of them got indexed, a ratio of images and web pages, etc.

成功添加站点地图后,它将显示为待处理。 Google确实需要一些时间来爬网您的网站。 几个小时后,您将可以看到有关站点地图的一些统计信息。 它将显示您在站点地图中找到的链接的数量,被索引的链接数量,图像和网页的比例等。

We recommend that you check your Search Console at least on a monthly basis for gathering insights and see your website’s SEO progress.

我们建议您至少每月检查一次Search Console,以收集见解并查看网站的SEO进度。

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优化您的SEO网站文章 (Optimizing Your Blog Posts for SEO)

Often beginners make the mistake of thinking that installing and activating a WordPress SEO plugin is all that’s needed. SEO is an ongoing process that you must keep up with if you want to see maximum results.

通常,初学者会误以为安装和激活WordPress SEO插件就足够了。 SEO是一个持续不断的过程,如果您想获得最大的效果,就必须跟上。

All top SEO plugins allow you to add a title, description, and focus keyword to every blog post and page. It also shows you a preview of what users will see when they Google your website.

所有顶级SEO插件都允许您为每个网站文章和页面添加标题,描述和焦点关键字。 它还向您显示用户访问Google网站时所看到的内容的预览。

We recommend that you optimize your title and description to get maximum clicks.


When writing your blog post, simply scroll down to the SEO section and take full advantage of it.


If you’re wondering how to choose a focus keyword or focus keyphrase, what is a good title, or what is a good meta description, then we have covered it in details in our beginners guide to optimize your blog posts for SEO.

如果您想知道如何选择焦点关键字或焦点关键字,什么是好标题或什么是好的元描述,那么我们已在初学者指南中对其进行了详细介绍,以优化您的SEO网站文章 。

We highly recommend that you read it because on-page SEO is crucial for your success.


为您的网站进行关键字研究 (Doing Keyword Research for Your Website)

Many beginners use their best guesses to figure out what topics people are looking for and what they should add to their blogs and website.


It is like shooting an arrow in the dark. You don’t need to do that when you can use real data to find out what people are looking for.

就像在黑暗中射箭一样。 当您可以使用真实数据来查找人们正在寻找的东西时,就不需要这样做。

Keyword research is a research technique used by content creators and SEO experts. It helps you discover words users enter into search engines to find content, products, and services in your industry.

关键字研究是内容创建者和SEO专家使用的一种研究技术。 它可以帮助您发现用户进入搜索引擎以查找您所在行业的内容,产品和服务的词。

You can then use those words and phrases into your website to get more search traffic.


There are a ton of keyword research tools (both free and paid) that you can use. We recommend using SEMRush, it helps you discover keywords and even find out the keywords where your competitors are ranking.

您可以使用大量的关键字研究工具 (免费和付费)。 我们建议您使用SEMRush ,它可以帮助您发现关键字,甚至找出竞争对手排名的关键字。

For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress website.


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WordPress SEO最佳做法 (WordPress SEO Best Practices)

If you follow the basics of WordPress SEO and use the best WordPress SEO plugin, you will already be ahead of most websites.

如果您遵循WordPress SEO的基础知识并使用最好的WordPress SEO插件,那么您已经领先于大多数网站。

However if you want even better results, then you need to follow the WordPress SEO best practices below.

但是,如果您想要更好的结果,则需要遵循以下WordPress SEO最佳做法。

These aren’t too technical and most won’t even require you to touch any code. But they will make a big difference if you follow them.

这些并不是太技术性,大多数甚至都不需要您触摸任何代码。 但是,如果您遵循它们,它们将产生很大的变化。

在WordPress中正确使用类别和标签 (Properly Using Categories and Tags in WordPress)

WordPress allows you to sort your blog posts into categories and tags. This makes it easy for you to manage your content by topics, and for your users to find the content they’re looking for.

WordPress允许您将网站文章分类为类别和标签 。 这使您可以轻松地按主题管理内容,并且使用户可以轻松找到所需的内容。

Categories and tags also help search engines understand your website structure and content.


Often beginners get confused on how to best use categories and tags. After explaining this to thousands of readers, here’s how we approach categories and tags.

通常,初学者对如何最好地使用类别和标签感到困惑。 在向成千上万的读者解释了这一点之后,我们将介绍如何处理类别和标签。

Categories are meant for broad grouping of your posts. If your blog was a book, then categories will be the table of content.

类别用于对帖子进行大范围分组。 如果您的网站是一本书,则类别将成为目录。

For example, on a personal blog, you can have categories like music, food, travel, etc. Categories are hierarchical, so you can add child categories to them.


On the other hand, tags are more specific keywords that describe the contents of an individual post. For example, a blog post filed under the food category can have tags like salad, breakfast, pancakes, etc. Think of these as indexes section in a textbook.

另一方面,标签是更具体的关键字,用于描述单个帖子的内容。 例如,在食品类别下提交的网站帖子可以具有诸如沙拉,早餐,煎饼等标签。将这些标签视为教科书中的索引部分。

For more on this topic, see our guide on categories vs tags and SEO best practices for sorting your content.

有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅有关类别与标签的指南以及用于对内容进行排序的SEO最佳做法 。

By using categories and tags properly, you make it easy for your users to browse your website. Since it’s easy for users, it also makes it easier for search engines to browse your website.

通过正确使用类别和标签,您可以使用户轻松浏览您的网站。 由于对用户来说很容易,因此它也使搜索引擎更容易浏览您的网站。

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使内部链接习惯 (Make Internal Linking a Habit)

Search engines assign each page on your website a score (page authority). The recipe of this score is kept secret so that people cannot game the results. However, the most common signals of authority are links.

搜索引擎为您网站上的每个页面分配一个分数(页面权限)。 此分数的秘方是保密的,因此人们无法对结果进行游戏。 但是,最常见的授权信号是链接。

This is why it’s important that you link to your own content from your other blog posts and pages.


You should make it a habit to interlink your own posts whenever possible. If you have multiple authors, then create a pre-publish blog post checklist that requires them to interlink at least 3 other blog posts.

您应该养成一种习惯,尽可能将自己的帖子链接在一起。 如果您有多位作者,则创建一个预发布的网站文章核对清单 ,要求他们至少链接3个其他网站文章。

This will help you boost your pageviews, increases the time users spend on your site, and ultimately will improve the SEO score of your individual blog posts and pages.


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优化WordPress评论 (Optimize WordPress Comments)

Comments can be a strong indication of user engagement on your website. Engaged users mean more links back to your site, more traffic, and improved SEO.

评论可以很好地表明用户在您的网站上的参与度。 敬业的用户意味着更多链接回到您的站点,更多流量和改进的SEO。

However, you need to make sure that your comments are real and not spam. Spammers submit comments with bad links which could affect and even ruin your search rankings.

但是,您需要确保您的评论真实无误。 垃圾邮件发送者使用不正确的链接提交评论,这可能会影响甚至破坏您的搜索排名。

This is why we recommend everyone to start using Akismet. It is one of the two plugins that come pre-installed with every WordPress site, and it helps you combat comment spam.

这就是为什么我们建议大家开始使用Akismet的原因 。 它是每个WordPress网站预装的两个插件之一,它可以帮助您抵制垃圾评论。

If Akismet alone is unable to handle comment spam, then see these tips and tools to combat comment spam in WordPress.

如果仅Akismet本身无法处理垃圾评论,请在WordPress中查看这些技巧和工具来打击垃圾评论 。

If your blog posts attract a lot of genuine, spam-free comments, then you should pat yourself on the shoulder for building such an engaging website!


However, too many comments on a post can make it load slower which also affects your search engine rankings. (Keep reading below to find out more about how speed affects SEO.)

但是,对帖子的评论过多可能会使它的加载速度变慢,这也会影响您的搜索引擎排名。 (请继续阅读下面的内容,以了解有关速度如何影响SEO的更多信息。)

To prepare your website so that it can handle the burden comments put on your server and speed, you can split comments into multiple pages. See our tutorial on how to paginate comments in WordPress.

为了准备您的网站,使其可以处理服务器上的负担评论并提高速度,可以将评论分成多个页面。 请参阅我们的教程,了解如何在WordPress中对注释进行分页 。

(If you’d like to get more comments on your site, check out these 11 ways to get more comments on your WordPress blog posts.)

(如果您想在您的网站上获得更多评论,请查看以下11种方法来在WordPress网站文章上获得更多评论 。)

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NoFollow WordPress中的外部链接 (NoFollow External Links in WordPress)

As mentioned above, links help search engines decide which pages are important. When you link to a website, you are passing some of your site’s SEO score to that link. This SEO score is called “link juice.”

如上所述,链接可帮助搜索引擎确定哪些页面很重要。 链接到网站时,您正在将网站的SEO分数传递给该链接。 该SEO分数称为“链接果汁”。

For good search rankings, you need to make sure that you are getting more link juice from other websites than you are giving away.


Adding the “nofollow” attribute to external links (links to websites that you don’t own) instructs search engines not to follow those links. This helps you save link juice.

将“ nofollow”属性添加到外部链接(不属于您的网站的链接)会指示搜索引擎不要遵循这些链接。 这可以帮助您节省链接汁。

A normal external link looks like this in HTML:


<a href="http://example.com">Example Website</a>

An external link with the nofollow attribute looks like this:


<a href="http://example.com" rel="nofollow">Example Website</a>

By default, WordPress does not come with an option to make links nofollow. However, you can still easily do that by manually modifying links.

默认情况下,WordPress没有附带使选项变为nofollow的选项。 但是,您仍然可以通过手动修改链接轻松地做到这一点。

Simply select the block containing your link and then click on the 3 vertical dots icon present at the top bar.


This will open a menu where you need to click on the ‘Edit as HTML’ option.


You will now see the HTML code of your link. Go ahead to add the rel=”nofollow” attribute to the link element.

现在,您将看到链接HTML代码。 继续将rel =“ nofollow”属性添加到链接元素。

If you see the rel=”noopener noreferrer” attribute in the HTML code, then add a space after noreferrer and add nofollow after that.

如果在HTML代码中看到rel =“ noopener noreferrer”属性,则在noreferrer之后添加一个空格,然后在其后添加nofollow。

For more details and alternate methods, see our guide on how to add nofollow links in WordPress.


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完整文章与摘要或摘录 (Full Posts vs Summaries or Excerpts)

WordPress displays and links to your posts from a number of pages like home page, category archive, tags archive, date archive, author pages, etc.


By default, it shows the full article content on all these pages. This affects your site’s SEO, as search engines may find it to be duplicate content. Full articles also make your archive pages load slower.

默认情况下,它在所有这些页面上显示完整的文章内容。 这会影响您网站的SEO,因为搜索引擎可能会发现它是重复的内容。 全文也会使存档页面的加载速度变慢。

Showing full articles everywhere also affects your page views. For example, users who subscribe to your RSS feed will be able to read the full article in their feed reader without ever visiting your website.

在各处显示完整文章也会影响您的页面浏览量。 例如,订阅您的RSS feed的用户将能够在其feed阅读器中阅读完整的文章,而无需访问您的网站。

The easiest way to solve this is by showing summaries or excerpts instead of full articles.


You can do this by going to Settings » Reading and select summary.


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to customize WordPress excerpts without coding.

有关详细说明,请参阅我们的指南,以了解如何无需编码即可自定义WordPress摘录 。

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WordPress SEO的速度和安全性 (Speed and Security for WordPress SEO)

Even if you follow all the WordPress SEO tips and best practices above, if your site is slow or gets taken down by a hacker, your search engine rankings will take a big hit.

即使您遵循上述所有WordPress SEO技巧和最佳实践,如果您的网站运行缓慢或被黑客入侵,您的搜索引擎排名也将大受打击。

Here’s how to prevent your site from losing search engine traffic due to slow performance or lax security.


优化网站的速度和性能 (Optimize Your Site’s Speed and Performance)

Research shows that in the internet age, the average human attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish.


Web usability experts believe that users decide whether they want to stay or leave within a few seconds of visiting a website.


That means that as a website owner, you only have a few seconds to present your content and engage users. You don’t want to waste this precious time making your visitor wait for your website to load. Search engines like Google now rank faster websites higher than slow loading websites.

这意味着作为网站所有者,您只有几秒钟的时间来展示您的内容并吸引用户。 您不想浪费这个宝贵的时间,让访问者等待您的网站加载。 现在,像Google这样的搜索引擎对速度较快的网站的排名高于对速度较慢的网站的排名。

If you need to improve your site’s speed, check out this expert advice on 18 useful tricks to speed up WordPress and boost performance.

如果您需要提高网站速度,请查看有关18个有用技巧的专家建议, 以加快WordPress并提高性能 。

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在WordPress中为SEO优化图像 (Optimizing Images in WordPress for SEO)

Images are more engaging than text but they also take more time to load. If you are not careful with image sizes and quality, then they can slow down your website.

图片比文字更吸引人,但它们也需要更多时间来加载。 如果您对图像的大小和质量不小心,则它们可能会降低您的网站速度。

You need to make sure that you use images that are optimized to load faster. See our guide on how to speed up WordPress by optimizing images for the web.

您需要确保使用经过优化以更快加载的图像。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何通过优化网络图像来加快WordPress的速度。

Another trick you can use to optimize your images for search engines is to use a descriptive title and alt tags. These tags help search engines understand what your image is about. They also help users with visual impairment as their screen readers can read the alt text to them.

您可以用来优化搜索引擎图像的另一个技巧是使用描述性标题和alt标签。 这些标签可帮助搜索引擎了解您的图片的含义。 它们还可以帮助有视觉障碍的用户,因为他们的屏幕阅读器可以向他们阅读替代文字。

WordPress allows you to easily add title and alt tags when you upload an image.


If you are a photographer or add a lot of images to your WordPress site, then you need to use a gallery plugin.


We recommend using the Envira Gallery. In our speed tests, we found it to be the fastest WordPress gallery plugin. It’s also fully responsive and SEO friendly out of the box.

我们建议使用Envira Gallery 。 在速度测试中,我们发现它是最快的WordPress画廊插件 。 开箱即用,它也具有完全的响应能力和SEO友好性。

For more tips, see our complete beginner’s guide to image SEO.

有关更多提示,请参阅我们完整的图像SEO初学者指南 。

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WordPress网站的安全性 (Security and Safety of Your WordPress Site)

Each week, Google blacklists around 20,000 websites for malware and around 50,000 for phishing. When a site is blacklisted, it doesn’t show up in any search results at all.

每周,Google会将大约20,000个网站列入恶意软件黑名单,并将大约50,000个网站列入网络钓鱼名单。 将网站列入黑名单时,它根本不会出现在任何搜索结果中。

This means that the security of your WordPress site is crucial for good rankings. You don’t want all your hard work on SEO to go to waste if your site is compromised by a hacker.

这意味着WordPress网站的安全性对于获得良好排名至关重要。 如果您的网站被黑客攻陷,您不希望浪费所有在SEO上的辛苦工作。

The good news is that it’s not that difficult to keep your WordPress site safe — see the step by step instructions in our ultimate WordPress security guide.


At WPBeginner, we use Sucuri to protect our website against attacks. To see why we recommend this service, check out our case study of how Sucuri helped us block 450,000 WordPress attacks in 3 months.

在WPBeginner,我们使用Sucuri保护我们的网站免受攻击。 要了解为什么我们推荐此服务,请查看我们的案例研究,以了解Sucuri如何帮助我们在3个月内阻止450,000 WordPress攻击 。

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开始使用SSL / HTTPS (Start Using SSL/HTTPS)

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that encrypts the connection between a user’s browser and the server they are connecting to. This adds an additional security layer to your WordPress site.

SSL(安全套接字层)是一种加密用户浏览器与他们所连接的服务器之间的连接的技术。 这为您的WordPress网站增加了一个额外的安全层。

Websites secured with SSL are indicated by a padlock sign in the browser’s address bar. This makes your website more trustworthy, and it is required if you are running an online store with WordPress and processing sensitive payment information.

使用SSL保护的网站在浏览器的地址栏中以挂锁符号指示。 这使您的网站更值得信赖,如果您正在运行带有WordPress的在线商店并处理敏感的付款信息,则需要此网站。

All top WordPress hosting companies offer free SSL certificates with Let’s Encrypt. See our guide on how to get a free SSL certificate for your website for more details.

所有顶级WordPress托管公司都通过Let's Encrypt提供免费的SSL证书。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何为您的网站获取免费SSL证书的指南。

If you want a premium wildcard SSL certificate or just a regular certificate with security warranty, then we recommend using Domain.com.

如果您需要高级通配符SSL证书,或者只需要具有安全保证的常规证书,则建议使用Domain.com 。

Their SSL certificates come with a minimum of $10,000 security warranty and up to $1.75 million security warranty. You also get a TrustLogo site seal to display on your site for added credibility.

他们的SSL证书至少具有10,000美元的安全保证和175万美元的安全保证。 您还将获得一个TrustLogo网站印章,以显示在您的网站上,以增加信誉。

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更多SEO工具和资源 (More SEO Tools and Resources)

Once you get the hang of WordPress SEO best practices, you’ll want to take your skills even further to get ahead of your competition.

一旦掌握了WordPress SEO最佳做法,您将希望进一步提高自己的技能,以领先于竞争对手。

We have compiled a list of best WordPress SEO plugins and tools that you should use to boost your SEO. If you’re ready to try some more advanced techniques, you can also check out our archive of WordPress SEO articles.

我们已经汇编了最好的WordPress SEO插件和工具列表,您可以使用它们来增强SEO。 如果您准备尝试一些更高级的技术,则还可以查看我们的WordPress SEO文章存档。

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We hope this article helped you learn how to properly optimize your WordPress site for SEO. Go ahead and implement a few of these WordPress SEO tips, and you should see an increase in your traffic within a few months as the search engines process your changes.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何正确地针对SEO优化WordPress网站。 继续实施这些WordPress SEO技巧中的一些技巧,随着搜索引擎处理您的更改,您应该会在几个月内看到流量增加。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wordpress-seo/


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