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yoast seo

Are you looking for the best WordPress SEO plugin? If you are, then you have likely narrowed your choice down to the two most popular WordPress SEO plugins: Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. At WPBeginner, we’re often asked which one is better? In this article, we will compare Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO Pack to find out which one is the best WordPress SEO plugin.

您是否在寻找最佳的WordPress SEO插件? 如果您是,那么您可能会将选择范围缩小到两个最受欢迎的WordPress SEO插件:Yoast SEO和All in One SEO Pack。 在WPBeginner,我们经常被问到哪个更好? 在本文中,我们将比较Yoast SEO与All in One SEO Pack,以找出哪个是最好的WordPress SEO插件。

关于我们的竞争者 (About Our Contenders)

Both All in One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO plugins have devout userbase, and they are among the most popular and most used WordPress plugins of all time.

All in One SEO Pack和Yoast SEO插件都有虔诚的用户群,它们是有史以来最受欢迎和最常用的WordPress插件之一。

All in One SEO Pack was created in 2007 by Michael Torbert and Steve Mortiboy. Since then it has earned a massive user base and has become one of the most downloaded WordPress plugins of all time.

SEO Pack中的所有功能都是由Michael Torbert和Steve Mortiboy于2007年创建的。 从那时起,它赢得了庞大的用户基础,并成为有史以来下载次数最多的WordPress插件之一。

Yoast SEO, started out as WordPress SEO by Yoast in 2010. It was created by Joost de Valk. With persistent and continuous improvements in the plugin, it soon became the major rival of All in One SEO. .

Yoast SEO,由Yoast在2010年以WordPress SEO开头。它是由Joost de Valk创建的。 随着插件的不断改进,它很快成为All in One SEO的主要竞争对手。 。

These are both excellent plugins and offer all the must have features you need to get maximum SEO benefits on your WordPress site.


Having said that, let’s compare Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO to find out which one of them is the best WordPress SEO plugin.

话虽如此,让我们比较Yoast SEO与All in One SEO,以找出其中之一是最好的WordPress SEO插件。

安装与设定 (Installation and Setup)

It takes a lot of training and practice to understand and successfully implement the concepts of SEO into websites. A WordPress SEO plugin should make it easy for beginners to setup SEO best practices without any special skills.

要了解并成功将SEO的概念应用到网站中,需要大量的培训和实践。 WordPress SEO插件应使初学者无需任何特殊技能即可轻松设置SEO最佳做法。

Let’s see how these two plugins stack up when it comes to installing and setting up basic SEO settings on WordPress websites.


Yoast SEO (Yoast SEO)

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Yoast SEO插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, users can go to SEO » Dashboard page and launch the configuration wizard under the General tab.


This will bring up a step by step wizard which will walk you through the setup process. This allows beginners to get started quickly without feeling overwhelmed by complex jargon and options.

这将显示一个逐步向导,它将引导您完成设置过程。 这使初学者可以快速入门,而不会因复杂的术语和选项而感到不知所措。

Yoast SEO is a powerful plugin, and it has a lot of options that you need to go through one by one. We have made this easy for you, take a look at our guide on how to install and setup Yoast SEO plugin in WordPress.

Yoast SEO是一个功能强大的插件,它具有许多您需要逐一进行的选择。 我们为您简化了这一过程,请查看有关如何在WordPress中安装和设置Yoast SEO插件的指南 。

The settings section of Yoast SEO is neatly divided into pages where each page has different tabs for respective settings.

Yoast SEO的“设置”部分整齐地分为页面,每个页面的相应选项卡都有不同的选项卡。

This makes it easy for users to locate an option in the settings.


On screen help is available on all pages of Yoast SEO settings. Just click the purple Help button on the top, and it will expand to show video or text about the options on the page.

屏幕上的帮助可在Yoast SEO设置的所有页面上找到。 只需单击顶部的紫色“帮助”按钮,它将展开以显示有关页面上选项的视频或文本。

Neatly organized settings, configuration wizard for beginners, and on screen help options make it super easy for beginners to setup Yoast SEO on their WordPress site.

整齐有序的设置,面向初学者的配置向导以及屏幕帮助选项,使初学者在WordPress网站上轻松设置Yoast SEO。

全部包含在SEO包中 (All in On SEO Pack)

First, you need to install and activate All in One SEO Pack plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活All in One SEO Pack插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you will find the All in One SEO menu item just below the Dashboard. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s settings page.

激活后,您将在仪表板下方找到All in One SEO菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

All in One SEO Pack, has all the settings on a single page. This makes it look a bit overwhelming, but some users may find this approach easier and faster than the multi-page settings of Yoast SEO.

全部位于一个SEO Pack中,所有设置都在一个页面上。 这使它看起来有些令人不知所措,但是某些用户可能会发现此方法比Yoast SEO的多页设置更容易,更快。

The settings page is divided into different sections. Each section deals with the settings of a particular area or feature, for example: homepage settings, title settings, display settings, etc.

设置页面分为不同部分。 每个部分都处理特定区域或功能的设置,例如:主页设置,标题设置,显示设置等。

There is a help icon next to each option. Clicking on the icon shows a short description and sometimes a link to additional documentation. This makes it easy for beginners to understand what they are doing.

每个选项旁边都有一个帮助图标。 单击该图标将显示简短说明,有时还会显示指向其他文档的链接。 这使初学者很容易了解他们在做什么。

Here is our user’s guide for All in One SEO Pack, which will help you properly setup the plugin.

这是我们关于“多合一SEO包”的用户指南 ,它将帮助您正确设置插件。

Once you have carefully gone through general settings, you are ready to use All in One SEO on your WordPress site.

仔细完成常规设置后,就可以在WordPress网站上使用All in One SEO。

结论: (Conclusion:)

Both Yoast SEO and All in One SEO has a lot of options. This makes the setup look a bit intimidating. Both plugins try their best to simplify things and make it easier for users to setup their SEO settings. We feel that Yoast SEO does a slightly better job than All in One SEO with their multi-page and tabbed settings.

Yoast SEO和All in One SEO都有很多选择。 这使设置看起来有些吓人。 这两个插件都尽力简化操作,使用户更容易设置SEO设置。 我们认为,Yoast SEO的多页和标签式设置比“多合一SEO”做得更好。

Winner: Yoast SEO

优胜者: Yoast SEO

日常SEO任务 (Day to Day SEO Tasks)

SEO is an ongoing process, and each new post or page you add to your website has its own SEO score. This means, you will be using your SEO plugin to optimize your content for search engines as you add it. See our guide on how to optimize your WordPress blog posts for SEO.

SEO是一个持续的过程,您添加到网站的每个新帖子或页面都有其自己的SEO得分。 这意味着,您将在添加SEO插件时使用它来优化搜索引擎的内容。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何针对SEO优化WordPress网站文章 。

Let’s see how our contenders stack up when it comes to performing day to day SEO tasks on your WordPress site.


Yoast SEO (Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO comes with a powerful content analysis tool that helps you optimize every single post or page on your website.

Yoast SEO带有功能强大的内容分析工具,可帮助您优化网站上的每个帖子或页面。

Just below the post editor, you will find Yoast SEO metabox with a snippet preview, focus keyword field, and content analysis.

在帖子编辑器的下面,您将找到带有摘要预览,焦点关键字字段和内容分析的Yoast SEO元框。

The snippet preview shows how your site’s title and description will look in search engines. Yoast SEO automatically uses your post title as title and excerpt as description, but we recommend you to change it by clicking on the edit snippet button.

摘要预览显示了您网站的标题和说明在搜索引擎中的外观。 Yoast SEO会自动使用您的帖子标题作为标题,摘录作为描述,但是我们建议您通过单击“编辑摘要”按钮进行更改。

Entering focus keyword in Yoast SEO will allow the plugin to analyze your content for that particular keyword.

在Yoast SEO中输入focus关键字将允许插件分析该特定关键字的内容。

The analysis is shown in the content analysis area, where Yoast SEO will make suggestions on how you can improve your posts SEO score.

分析显示在内容分析区域中,Yoast SEO会在其中提供有关如何提高帖子SEO分数的建议。

The Yoast SEO meta box has two more sections. You can click on the gear icon to switch to the advanced view.

Yoast SEO meta框还有另外两个部分。 您可以点击齿轮图标以切换到高级视图。

The advanced view is something that most beginners should never use unless you know what you are doing. It allows you to stop search engines from following or indexing the post/page.

除非您知道自己在做什么,否则大多数初学者都不应该使用高级视图。 它使您可以停止搜索引擎跟踪或索引帖子/页面。

Second, is the social icon that displays the social settings for your post.


This is where you can set an article image for Facebook and Twitter. You can leave description and title bank because Yoast SEO will use your main title and description in the open graph meta tags.

在这里可以为Facebook和Twitter设置文章图像。 您可以保留描述和标题库,因为Yoast SEO将在打开的图形元标记中使用您的主要标题和描述。

一站式搜索引擎优化包 (All in One SEO Pack)

All in One SEO comes with a similar metabox to edit SEO settings on a post by post basis. Simply edit a post and below the post editor you will find the All in One SEO meta box.

多合一SEO带有类似的metabox,可逐个帖子地编辑SEO设置。 只需编辑帖子,然后在帖子编辑器下方,您就会找到All in One SEO元框。

Unlike Yoast SEO, this meta box is very simple. You can edit the title and description, but there is no content analysis or SEO scoring.

与Yoast SEO不同,此meta框非常简单。 您可以编辑标题和描述,但是没有内容分析或SEO评分。

All in One SEO does offer advanced tools for each post which allow you to control indexing and following by search engines. It even has an option that turns off All in One SEO for that particular post or page.

SEO确实为每个帖子提供了高级工具,使您可以控制搜索引擎的索引编制和关注。 它甚至具有关闭该特定帖子或页面的All in One SEO的选项。

For social features, you will need to enable Social Meta addon by visiting All in One SEO » Features Manager page.

对于社交功能,您将需要通过访问All in One SEO»功能管理器页面来启用社交元插件。

Enabling this addon will add a Social Settings tab in All in One SEO meta box below post editor. This addon allows you to set custom images and descriptions to be used by Facebook and Twitter.

启用此插件后,将在帖子编辑器下方的“一站式SEO”中的“所有功能”框中添加“社交设置”标签。 该插件允许您设置Facebook和Twitter使用的自定义图像和描述。

结论 (Conclusion)

Both plugins make it easy to edit SEO settings on a post by post basis. All in One SEO Pack takes a lean and clean approach allowing users to add additional fields if they want to.

通过这两个插件,可以轻松地逐个帖子地编辑SEO设置。 SEO Pack中的所有功能采用一种简洁的方法,允许用户根据需要添加其他字段。

Yoast on the other hand goes with decisions over options approach and add the features they believe is essential for all sites.


However, we feel that content analysis, focus keyword, and SEO scoring gives Yoast SEO a big advantage.

但是,我们认为内容分析,焦点关键字和SEO评分为Yoast SEO带来了很大的优势。

Winner: Yoast SEO

优胜者: Yoast SEO

其他工具和功能 (Additional Tools and Features)

On page SEO is a comprehensive process that’s why both of these plugins come with additional tools and features aside from just meta tags.


These features are there to eliminate the need to install several other SEO plugins and give you a true all-in-one solution.


Yoast SEO (Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO comes with a comprehensive set of features that cover most aspects of on-site optimization. Some of these tools are:

Yoast SEO附带了一套全面的功能,涵盖了网站优化的大多数方面。 其中一些工具是:

  • XML Sitemaps

  • Breadcrumb Navigation

  • Open Graph Meta Tags

  • Importing Data from Google Webmaster Tools

  • Built-in robots.txt and .htaccess editor

  • Import/Export SEO data

一站式搜索引擎优化包 (All in One SEO Pack)

All in One SEO also comes with tons of features but some of them are not activated by default. You will need to visit All in One SEO » Features Manager to activate them.

多合一SEO还具有大量功能,但其中一些功能默认情况下未激活。 您将需要访问All in One SEO»功能管理器来激活它们。

  • XML Sitemap

  • Robots.txt

  • File Editor

  • Bad Bot Blocker

  • Open Graph Meta Tags

  • Import and Export SEO Data

  • Performance Manager

结论 (Conclusion)

Both plugins offer nearly the same set of tools and features. All in One SEO does not have breadcrumbs navigation and importing data from Google Search Console features. However, not having these two features wouldn’t have any drastic impact on your site’s SEO.

两个插件都提供几乎相同的工具和功能集。 一站式SEO没有面包屑导航和从Google Search Console功能导入数据。 但是,没有这两个功能不会对您网站的SEO产生任何重大影响。

We also like how All in One SEO allows you to activate functionality only when needed.

我们还喜欢All in One SEO如何让您仅在需要时激活功能。

Winner: Tie


支持和附件 (Support and Addons)

Even though both plugins are fairly easy to use and come with extensive free documentation, your free support options are very limited.


Let’s see how both plugins handle professional support and addons.


Yoast SEO (Yoast SEO)

The basic free Yoast SEO plugin comes with no support, and you use it at your own risk. While you can ask questions at WordPress.org support forums and find help from other users, you are not guaranteed an official response from team Yoast.

基本的免费Yoast SEO插件不提供任何支持,使用时后果自负。 虽然您可以在WordPress.org支持论坛上提问并从其他用户那里获得帮助,但不能保证Yoast团队会给出正式答复。

For professional support, you will need to buy Yoast SEO premium. Pricing for a single site license is $69, and it goes up as you add more sites.

为了获得专业支持,您需要购买Yoast SEO高级版。 单个站点许可证的定价为$ 69,并且随着您添加更多站点而增加。

The premium license also comes with some additional features like multiple focus keywords, and a redirect manager.


Yoast SEO also offers some paid addon plugins available for niche sites with specific SEO needs. These addon plugins are:

Yoast SEO还提供了一些付费插件插件,可用于具有特定SEO需求的利基网站。 这些插件插件是:

  • Video SEO

  • Local SEO

  • News SEO

一站式搜索引擎优化包 (All in One SEO Pack)

The free version of All in One SEO comes with no support. The All in One SEO Pack Pro version comes with one year of professional support.

免费版All in One SEO不提供支持。 多合一SEO Pack Pro版本附带一年的专业支持。

License for the pro version costs $97 per year for one site. WPBeginner users can get $20 OFF using our All in One SEO Pro Coupon.

专业版的许可费用为每个站点每年97美元。 WPBeginner用户可以使用我们的All in One SEO Pro优惠券减$ 20。

The pro version of All in One SEO is usually one major version ahead of the free plugin. It also comes with extra features like support for WooCommerce products, category SEO options, video XML sitemap, etc.

All in One SEO的专业版通常是免费插件之前的一个主要版本。 它还具有其他功能,例如对WooCommerce产品的支持,类别SEO选项,视频XML网站地图等。

结论 (Conclusion)

Yoast SEO license is cheaper if you need it for just one site. However, prices go up as you add more sites. On the other hand, a single license of All in One SEO can be used on unlimited sites.

如果仅一个站点需要,Yoast SEO许可证会更便宜。 但是,随着您添加更多站点,价格会上涨。 另一方面,可以在无限制的站点上使用“多合一SEO”的单个许可证。

Winner: All in One SEO Pack


我们的判决 (Our Verdict)

All in One SEO and Yoast SEO are both great plugins so any comparison between the two plugins has to be very close.

一站式SEO和Yoast SEO都是很棒的插件,因此两个插件之间的任何比较都必须非常接近。

We personally use Yoast SEO on all of our websites and find it to be the best WordPress SEO plugin. It has more features to offer like importing data from webmaster tools, breadcrumb navigation, Your Info section, social features, etc.

我们亲自在所有网站上使用Yoast SEO,并发现它是最好的WordPress SEO插件。 它具有更多功能,例如从网站站长工具导入数据,面包屑导航,“您的信息”部分,社交功能等。

But the best feature is content analysis which we think helps a lot of beginners understand how they should write post titles, descriptions, and use keywords in their content.


We hope this comparison of Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO Pack helped find the best WordPress SEO plugin for your site. You may also want to see our list of 9 best WordPress SEO plugins and tools that you should use.

我们希望Yoast SEO与All in One SEO Pack的比较有助于找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress SEO插件。 您可能还想查看我们应使用的9种最佳WordPress SEO插件和工具的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/yoast-seo-vs-all-in-one-seo-pack-which-is-the-best-wordpress-seo-plugin/

yoast seo


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