Do you want to improve your WooCommerce SEO, but not sure how to get started? Search engine optimization (SEO) for your eCommerce store is an equivalent of having someone standing on every street corner in the real world, spinning signs with your store’s name and direction. If you have not optimized your WooCommerce store for SEO, then you are missing out on a lot of sales. We have created this ultimate WooCommerce SEO guide to help you improve your WooCommerce SEO and get more customers.
您是否要改善WooCommerce SEO,但不确定如何入门? 电子商务商店的搜索引擎优化(SEO)等同于让某人站在现实世界的每个街角上,旋转带有商店名称和方向的标志。 如果您没有针对SEO优化WooCommerce商店,那么您将错过很多销售机会。 我们创建了此最终的WooCommerce SEO指南,以帮助您改善WooCommerce SEO并吸引更多客户。
Before we get started, let’s cover the basics.
什么是WooCommerce? (What is WooCommerce?)
WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin built for WordPress. It allows you to leverage the most powerful content management system (CMS) and use it to run an online store. Because of the open-source nature, you can customize every aspect of your store and easily build custom extensions.
WooCommerce是为WordPress构建的开源电子商务插件。 它使您可以利用功能最强大的内容管理系统(CMS)并使用它来运行在线商店。 由于具有开放源代码的性质,您可以自定义商店的各个方面并轻松构建自定义扩展。
Before starting an online store, most beginners usually ask one of the two questions: How does WooCommerce compare to Shopify and is WooCommerce SEO friendly?
在开始在线商店之前,大多数初学者通常会问两个问题之一:WooCommerce与Shopify相比如何?WooCommerce SEO友好吗?
We have created a detailed comparison of Shopify vs WooCommerce that you can use to see which is the better platform for you.
我们创建了Shopify与WooCommerce的详细比较 ,您可以使用它来比较哪个平台更适合您。
The answer to the second question is below:
WooCommerce SEO友好吗? (Is WooCommerce SEO Friendly?)
WooCommerce is very SEO friendly out of the box. It runs on top of WordPress which itself is standard compliant and good for SEO. However, you can definitely use plugins and techniques to further improve WooCommerce product SEO.
WooCommerce开箱即用,对SEO非常友好。 它运行在WordPress之上,而WordPress本身是符合标准的,非常适合SEO。 但是,您绝对可以使用插件和技术来进一步改善WooCommerce产品SEO。
When you start an online store with WooCommerce, it is up to you to add things like themes, products, description, images, and other content on your store. You’re responsible for optimizing all additional content that you add.
当您使用WooCommerce启动在线商店时,您可以自行在商店中添加主题,产品,描述,图像和其他内容。 您负责优化添加的所有其他内容。
WooCommerce SEO is an ongoing process, and you will need to keep it up to steadily see growth in your search engine traffic / sales.
WooCommerce SEO是一个持续的过程,您需要对其进行调整以稳定地看到搜索引擎流量/销售额的增长。
Now you might be wondering, what do I need to properly deploy an effective WooCommerce SEO strategy?
现在您可能想知道,我需要什么来正确部署有效的WooCommerce SEO策略?
Well, that’s where our WooCommerce SEO guide can help. We have broken down every thing for you.
好的,这就是我们的WooCommerce SEO指南可以提供帮助的地方。 我们为您分解了所有东西。
Ready? Let’s get started.
准备? 让我们开始吧。
1.执行WordPress SEO设置 (1. Perform The WordPress SEO Setup)
WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, which means you need to improve your overall WordPress SEO setup before you can move on to WooCommerce specific SEO tweaks.
WooCommerce是WordPress插件,这意味着您需要改进整体WordPress SEO设置,然后才能继续进行WooCommerce特定的SEO调整。
We have created a complete WordPress SEO guide for beginners. It is extremely detailed, and we highly recommend going through the entire guide first before moving onto the step 2 of this article.
我们已经为初学者创建了完整的WordPress SEO指南 。 它非常详细,强烈建议您先阅读整个指南,然后再进行本文的步骤2。
However if you’re in a rush, then the most important thing you need to do is install and setup the Yoast SEO plugin on your site.
但是,如果您着急,那么最需要做的就是在您的站点上安装和设置Yoast SEO插件 。
Yoast SEO plugin will help you add SEO sitemaps along with setting up proper SEO fields for your products.
Yoast SEO插件将帮助您添加SEO站点地图,以及为您的产品设置适当的SEO字段。
Once you have setup Yoast SEO, you can move on to step 2 of our WooCommerce SEO guide.
设置Yoast SEO后,您可以继续执行WooCommerce SEO指南的第2步。
2.撰写产品SEO标题 (2. Write Product SEO Titles)
Just like you optimize your blog posts for SEO, you also need to optimize your individual WooCommerce products for SEO.
One of the most important part of WooCommerce product SEO is to write SEO-friendly product titles.
These product titles appear in your browser’s title bar and are used by search engines as the title of a search result.
If you followed the previous step, then you would have already installed Yoast SEO plugin. It is the complete WordPress SEO suite that covers your WooCommerce products as well.
如果按照上一步进行操作,则说明您已经安装了Yoast SEO插件。 这是涵盖您的WooCommerce产品的完整WordPress SEO套件。
You need to start by editing a WooCommerce product and scrolling down to the Yoast SEO box section. Next, you need to click on the post title as shown in the snippet preview, and Yoast SEO will display a field where you can edit the product’s SEO title.
您需要首先编辑WooCommerce产品并向下滚动到Yoast SEO框部分。 接下来,您需要单击片段预览中所示的帖子标题,Yoast SEO将显示一个字段,您可以在其中编辑产品的SEO标题。
Your WooCommerce product SEO title can be slightly different than the product title on your store. You can use keywords that you think your customers will use when searching for the product.
您的WooCommerce产品SEO标题可能与商店中的产品标题略有不同。 您可以使用您认为客户在搜索产品时将使用的关键字。
You also need to make it catchy, interesting, and attractive to users. However, it’s important not to use misleading or incorrect titles that would trick users and search engines because that could get your website penalized.
您还需要使其吸引用户,使其有趣并吸引用户。 但是,重要的是不要使用会误导用户和搜索引擎的误导性或不正确的标题,因为这可能会使您的网站受到惩罚。
Let’s take a look at an example title below.
Boring title: Men’s Leather Wallet by Brandname
SEO Optimized Title: Bi-Fold Brown Leather Wallet for Men – High-Quality built for Durability
In our SEO optimized title, we’re mentioning long-tail keywords like bi-fold, brown, durability all things that people will search for when searching for “men’s leather wallet”.
When shopping online, people type detailed search queries instead of generic ones. By adding long-tail keywords in your WooCommerce product title, you help search engines find and rank you higher than your competitors.
在网上购物时,人们会输入详细的搜索查询,而不是一般的查询。 通过在WooCommerce产品标题中添加长尾关键字,您可以帮助搜索引擎找到您并使其比竞争对手更高。
3.添加产品SEO描述 (3. Add Product SEO Descriptions)
Just below the title in Yoast SEO, you will also see a box to add your own product meta description.
在Yoast SEO中标题下方,您还将看到一个框,用于添加您自己的产品元描述。
While this description is not displayed on your website, it will be used by search engines to appear below your product title. You need to make sure that you use this description to provide a compelling reason for users to click and view your product. Think of this as your one-line sales pitch.
虽然此说明未显示在您的网站上,但搜索引擎将使用它来显示在您的产品标题下方。 您需要确保使用此描述为用户单击和查看产品提供了令人信服的理由。 将此视为您的一线销售业务。
Don’t forget to use the same keywords that you used in the product’s SEO title. This will boost your chances on ranking for those target keywords.
不要忘记使用与产品SEO标题相同的关键字。 这将增加您为这些目标关键字进行排名的机会。
4.优化产品弹头 (4. Optimize Product Slug)
Slug is a product’s nice-name used by WordPress in your URL also known as permalinks. By default, WooCommerce uses your product’s title as the slug. However, sometimes the default slugs do not include any relevant SEO keywords.
Slug是WordPress在您的URL中使用的产品的好名,也称为永久链接 。 默认情况下,WooCommerce使用您产品的标题作为标签。 但是,有时默认的slug不包含任何相关的SEO关键字。
You can change that in your product’s SEO settings. Make sure that you use your main keyword in the slug and don’t make it too long.
您可以在产品的SEO设置中进行更改。 确保在子弹中使用main关键字,并且不要太长。
For example, for men’s leather wallet, we’d recommend making the slug be: bi-fold-brown-mens-leather-wallet-by-brandname
5.启用面包屑 (5. Enable Breadcrumbs)
Breadcrumbs are great for internal linking because it defines a clean path or trail to the page you are on.
These breadcrumbs also appear in search results giving your site extra advantage in rankings.
You can enable breadcrumbs for your WooCommerce products by adjusting Yoast SEO settings. Simply go to SEO » Search Appearance page and click on the Breadcrumbs tab.
您可以通过调整Yoast SEO设置为WooCommerce产品启用面包屑。 只需转到SEO»搜索外观页面,然后单击“面包屑”选项卡。
Next, you need to make sure that breadcrumbs option is set to ‘Enabled’. Additionally, you can also use product category in your breadcrumbs.
接下来,您需要确保将面包屑选项设置为“已启用”。 此外,您还可以在面包屑中使用产品类别。
Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.
To display breadcrumbs in your WooCommerce theme, you will need to add the following code to your theme or child theme. Simply edit the header.php file for your theme and add this code towards the end.
要在WooCommerce主题中显示面包屑,您将需要在主题或子主题中添加以下代码。 只需为您的主题编辑header.php文件,并在最后添加此代码。
<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>' );}?>
To learn more about breadcrumbs, see our article on how to display breadcrumb navigation links in WordPress.
If you’re using one of these best WooCommerce themes, then they will likely come with built-in breadcrumb functionality.
如果您正在使用以下最佳WooCommerce主题之一 ,则它们可能会带有内置的痕迹导航功能。
6.正确使用产品类别和标签 (6. Properly Using Product Categories and Tags)
Product categories and tags help you organize products throughout your online store. This makes it easy for your customers to find the right product they’re looking for.
产品类别和标签可帮助您在整个在线商店中整理产品。 这样一来,您的客户就可以轻松找到所需的产品。
Categories and tags also help search engines in the same way. Each product category and tag has its own page in WooCommerce which is crawled and listed by search engines.
类别和标签也以相同的方式帮助搜索引擎。 每个产品类别和标签在WooCommerce中都有自己的页面,搜索引擎可以对它进行爬网和列出。
Since these pages have similar products, this increases their keyword density and making them more likely to rank for those keywords.
Many beginners get confused about the difference between category and tags and end up using them incorrectly. Categories are meant for the broad grouping of your products. If your store was a book, then categories will be the table of contents.
许多初学者对类别和标签之间的区别感到困惑,最终错误地使用了它们。 类别适用于您的产品的广泛分组。 如果您的商店是一本书,则类别将是目录。
For example, a clothing store can have categories like men’s, women’s, accessories, jewelry, etc. Categories are hierarchical, so you can add child categories to them.
On the other hand, tags are more specific keywords that describe the properties of the product. For example, a t-shirt product can have tags like casual, summer wear, and more.
另一方面,标签是描述产品属性的更具体的关键字。 例如,T恤产品可以具有休闲,夏季服装等标签。
For more on this topic, see our guide on the difference between categories vs tags.
7.添加产品图片的替代文本 (7. Add Alt Text for Product Images)
Many customers switch to image search to quickly find products that they are looking for. To help website owners, Google recently removed the ‘View Image’ button from their image search results. This means that users will have to visit your website to see the image with context.
许多客户切换到图像搜索以快速找到他们想要的产品。 为了帮助网站所有者,Google最近从其图像搜索结果中删除了“查看图像”按钮。 这意味着用户将不得不访问您的网站以查看带有上下文的图像。
This trend further helps online stores drive highly-motivated customers to their websites.
Image SEO works a lot like web search. Google uses artificial intelligence, image recognition, and other algorithms to help users find the images they are looking for.
图片SEO的工作原理与网络搜索非常相似。 Google使用人工智能,图像识别和其他算法来帮助用户找到所需的图像。
The most important thing you can do to get traffic from Google image search is adding alt tag to all images on your website.
Alt text is an HTML attribute which allows website owners to add some text with their images. The purpose of this text is to be displayed when the browser is unable to fetch an image.
替代文字是HTML属性,允许网站所有者在其图片中添加一些文字。 当浏览器无法获取图像时,将显示此文本的目的。
Search engines use this alternate text as a ranking factor in their image search. Basically, you can add text to describe what this particular image is about.
搜索引擎将此替代文本用作其图像搜索中的排名因素。 基本上,您可以添加文本来描述此特定图像的含义。
You can add alt text to all your product images when uploading them to WooCommerce. You can also edit your old product images in Media library and add alt text to each of them one by one.
您可以在将所有商品图片上传到WooCommerce时向所有商品图片添加替换文字。 您还可以在媒体库中编辑您的旧产品图片,并向每个图片中添加替换文本。
To learn more about Alt text, see our article on image alt text vs image title in WordPress.
8.添加SEO标题和产品类别说明 (8. Add SEO Title and Descriptions for Product Categories)
Each product category in WooCommerce has its own page. This page contains similar products, which increases the keyword density for your targeted keywords. This makes product category pages more significant for WooCommerce SEO.
WooCommerce中的每个产品类别都有其自己的页面。 该页面包含类似的产品,可以提高目标关键字的关键字密度。 这使得产品类别页面对WooCommerce SEO更为重要。
You can further optimize product category pages by adding a title and description to them. Yoast SEO allows you to set SEO title and description for each category on your WooCommerce store.
您可以通过在产品类别页面上添加标题和描述来进一步优化它们。 Yoast SEO允许您为WooCommerce商店中的每个类别设置SEO标题和描述。
Simply go to Products » Categories page and click on the edit link below a category.
On the edit screen, scroll down to Yoast SEO section and click on the category title in the snippet preview. Yoast SEO will now display edit fields to enter your own custom SEO title and description for the product category.
在编辑屏幕上,向下滚动至Yoast SEO部分,然后在代码段预览中单击类别标题。 Yoast SEO现在将显示编辑字段,以输入您自己的自定义SEO标题和产品类别说明。
9.在Google Analytics(分析)中跟踪WooCommerce客户 (9. Track WooCommerce Customers in Google Analytics)
The most important part of an effective SEO strategy is data. You need to learn where your users are coming from, how they found your store, what products they looked at, and what are they doing on your store.
有效的SEO策略最重要的部分是数据。 您需要了解用户来自何处,他们如何找到您的商店,他们看过哪些产品以及他们在商店中的活动。
Google Analytics can help you track all this information, but it’s extremely difficult to set it up properly.
Google Analytics(分析)可以帮助您跟踪所有这些信息,但是正确设置它非常困难。
That’s why we built MonsterInsights, the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.
因此,我们构建了MonsterInsights ,这是WordPress最受欢迎的Google Analytics(分析)插件。
The pro version of MonsterInsights comes with built-in eCommerce tracking feature that you can use to enable WooCommerce enhanced eCommerce tracking with a single click.
You can use MonsterInsights combined with Google Analytics to make data-driven decisions about your WooCommerce store and grow your business with confidence.
您可以结合使用MonsterInsights和Google Analytics(分析)来做出有关WooCommerce商店的数据驱动决策,并信心十足地发展业务。
To learn more how to use Google Analytics’ advanced eCommerce features, see our article on how to enable customer tracking in WooCommerce.
要了解有关如何使用Google Analytics(分析)高级电子商务功能的更多信息,请参阅有关如何在WooCommerce中启用客户跟踪的文章。
10.优化网站速度和性能 (10. Optimize Website Speed and Performance)
Google considers website speed as one of the most important ranking factors. This means faster websites are more likely to rank higher than slower websites.
Google认为网站速度是最重要的排名因素之一。 这意味着速度较快的网站比速度较慢的网站排名更高。
Slow websites are also bad for your business because they affect user experience and cost you actual money.
According to a StrangeLoop case study, a 1 second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% loss in conversions, 11% fewer page views, and a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.
Majority of the times, the #1 reason for a slow WooCommerce store is web hosting. If that is the case, then you can switch to one of these optimized WooCommerce hosting providers.
在大多数时候,WooCommerce商店缓慢的第一大原因是网络托管。 如果是这种情况,那么您可以切换到这些优化的WooCommerce托管提供商之一 。
You can also follow the step by step instructions in our WordPress performance guide to speed up your website.
11.改善WooCommerce安全性 (11. Improve WooCommerce Security)
Search engines love websites that are safe and secure. Google warns users from scams, malware, and phishing websites, by quickly marking unsafe websites with warnings.
搜索引擎喜欢安全可靠的网站。 Google会通过使用警告Swift标记不安全的网站,从欺诈,恶意软件和网络钓鱼网站中警告用户。
This could not only destroy your WooCommerce SEO rankings but will also have a severe impact on your brand’s reputation.
这不仅会破坏您的WooCommerce SEO排名,还会严重影响您的品牌声誉。
Hackers are always targetting random websites with brute force attacks, malware injection, and data theft attempts. To prevent this you need tighten your WooCommerce store’s security.
黑客总是以暴力攻击 ,恶意软件注入和数据盗窃企图为随机网站。 为了防止这种情况,您需要加强WooCommerce商店的安全性。
Follow the step by step instructions in our WordPress security guide to harden your WooCommerce security.
We hope this article helped you learn how to improve your WooCommerce SEO. You may also want to see our list of the best WooCommerce plugins to help you grow your business.
我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何改善WooCommerce SEO。 您可能还想查看我们最好的WooCommerce插件列表,以帮助您发展业务。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。