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长沙兼职网,文大侠seo,小程序模板开发教程,商标设计软件免费版敏捷,精益和Scrum - 他們的意思是一樣的嗎?雖然有些人可能認為這三個概念是同義詞,但實際上,它們看起來非常相似,但仍有一些顯著差異。 在本文中,我們將仔細研究這些概念並解釋它們之間的區別。 起源 Ag…

敏捷,精益和Scrum - 他們的意思是一樣的嗎?雖然有些人可能認為這三個概念是同義詞,但實際上,它們看起來非常相似,但仍有一些顯著差異。



Agile (敏捷)

當我們談論敏捷時,我們首先提到的是2001年2月創建的敏捷宣言 及其定義敏捷軟件開發過程標準的12條原則。

任何符合敏捷宣言及其12條原則的方法都可稱為“敏捷”。最著名的方法包括Scrum和極限編程。換句話說,敏捷不是一種方法 - 它是遵循“敏捷”原則的方法的集體名稱。




精益 (Lean)

精益原則源於日本製造業。“精益製造”一詞用於描述消除製造系統中“浪費”(缺陷,生產過剩等)以提高客戶價值的系統方法 - 因為“價值”是客戶願意支付的唯一價值對於。




  • 最高優先級是客戶滿意度
  • 歡迎更改要求
  • 經常交付軟件
  • 商務人士和開發人員每天合作
  • 圍繞有動力的人建立項目
  • 面對面交談是最好的
  • 通過工作軟件測量進度
  • 可持續發展步伐
  • 不斷關注技術卓越
  • 簡單
  • 自組織團隊
  • 定期反思和適應


  • 消除浪費
  • 建造質量
  • 創造知識
  • 承諾
  • 交貨快
  • 尊重人
  • 優化整個過程


敏捷/ Scrum和精益之間的主要區別之一是精益關注於消除浪費 - 而敏捷/ Scrum專注於不斷採用變更以便為客戶創造價值。

此外,Agile / Scrum以及精益,專注於速度傳遞。但是在敏捷/ Scrum的情況下,速度來自簡單性,被定義為“最大化未完成工作量的藝術”。對於精益,速度意味著構建解決方案,快速將其推向市場並根據真實的客戶反饋逐步增強。


Scrum的心跳 – 每日站立

The “daily scrum” is one of the important event for monitoring the heartbeat of your scrum project and is a “good habit” for your team. The purpose of the daily scrum is to increase the team’s communication and focus by answering 3 questions. (“每日Scrum”是监控Scrum项目心跳的重要事件之一,也是团队的“好习惯”。每日Scrum的目的是通过回答3个问题来加强团队的沟通和关注。)

Scrum: 中的Sprint是什么?

Sprint is a Timeboxed iteration with a continuous development cycle. In Sprint, the planned workload must be completed by the team and ready for review. Scrum projects are subdivided into small and consistent time intervals, called sprint. They can be as short as a few days, usually no more than three to four weeks. (Sprint是一个持续开发周期的时间盒迭代。在Sprint中,计划的工作量必须由团队完成并准备好进行审核。Scrum项目被细分为小而一致的时间间隔,称为sprint。它们可以短至几天,通常不超过3-4周。)

Scrum Sprint循环的8个步骤

This article show you how scrum framework is operated in a general sense. It can be illustrated in 8 typical steps. It leads you through the entire Scrum lifecycle from the start to the end. (本文向您展示了一般意义上如何操作Scrum框架。它可以用8个典型步骤来说明。它将引导您从开始到结束整个Scrum生命周期。

Scrum: 每日站立中的3个重要问题是什么?

The Stand-up meeting is the opportunity for the entire team to succinctly sync up on everyone’s individual progress against the iterated Sprint, feature, or story point estimations. (站立会议是整个团队根据迭代的sprint、feature或story point估计简洁地同步每个人的个人进度的机会。)

Scrum: 什么是产品Backlog修饰?

A Scrum product backlog is simply a list of things to do for the project. The Product Owner creates, maintains, and regularly re-order a list of feature to be implemented for a product for adapting to emerging requirements, customer feedback, and market changes. (Scrum产品积压只是项目要做的事情列表。产品负责人创建,维护并定期要为产品实施的功能列表重新排序,以适应新出现的需求,客户反馈和市场变化。)

什么是Scrum Ceremonies?

Scrum processes are distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, and are classified into roles, rituals (also called events or meetings) and artifacts. (Scrum流程通过特定的概念和实践与其他敏捷流程区别开来,并分为角色、仪式(也称为事件或会议)和工件。)


The Scrum framework includes the Scrum team and its associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules, and each component within the scope of a specific purpose is essential to the success and use of Scrum. (在Scrum的框架包括Scrum团队及其相关的角色,事件,工件,和规则,与作为特定目的范围内的每个组成部分,是对Scrum的成功和使用是必不可少的。)


Story points are metrics used in agile project management and development to estimate the difficulty of implementing a given user story, which may be related to the complexity, risk and effort involved. (故事点是敏捷项目管理和开发中使用的度量标准,用于估计实现给定用户故事的难度,困难可能与所涉及的复杂性,风险和努力有关。)


Agile teams use collective estimation methods to estimate their workload. Group estimation usually uses planning poker as a tool, and teams perform group estimation by playing estimation games. Planning poker is considered to be the most effective and interesting technique for workload estimation in agility. (敏捷团队的估计工作量使用了集体估算方法。集体估算通常使用规划扑克作为工具,团队通过玩估计游戏进行集体估算。规划扑克被认为是在敏捷中进行工作负荷估算的最有效和最有趣的技术。)

S​​crum: 谁创建 Product Backlog项目或用户故事?

The Product Owner (PO) “owns” the product backlog on behalf of the stakeholders, and is primarily responsible for creating it. He or she may instruct the development team and/or the Scrum Master to help him/her in defining the backlog items and in estimating them. (产品所有者(PO)代表利益相关者“拥有”产品积压工作,并主要负责创建积压工作。他或她可以指示开发团队和/或Scrum主控来帮助他/她定义积压项和估计它们。)
