本文为加拿大多伦多大学(作者:George Tin Lam Lau)的硕士论文,共99页。
This thesis presents an online pathplanning algorithm developed for unmanned vehicles in charge of autonomousborder patrol. In this Pursuit-Evasion game, the unmanned vehicle is requiredto capture multiple trespassers on its own before any of them reach a targetsafe house where they are safe from capture. The problem formulation is basedon Isaacs’ Target Guarding problem, but extended to the case of multipleevaders. The proposed path planning method is based on Rapidly-exploring randomtrees (RRT) and is capable of producing trajectories within several seconds tocapture 2 or 3 evaders. Simulations are carried out to demonstrate that theresulting trajectories approach the optimal solution produced by a nonlinearprogramming-based numerical optimal control solver. Experiments are alsoconducted on unmanned ground vehicles to show the feasibility of implementingthe proposed online path planning algorithm on physical applications.
- 引言
- 文献回顾
- 问题建模
- 算法
- 仿真
- 实验
- 结论
附录A SPSE目标边界
附录B C++ SP2E算法
附录C 用于速度预测的卡尔曼滤波